Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Who Needs Follicles Anyway?

My follicles did not listen.  We gave them time but they refused to grow up.  I'm disappointed because last time the Clomid gave me two good follicles.  This time it just made me go insane.

So the new plan is to start me on 5 mg of Femara which I've heard anecdotally may even work better for women with PCOS.  Five days of that and then I go back in on Monday to get wanded again.

I have plenty of stuff going on to keep me busy in the meantime, including 90 minutes of The Bachelorette to watch, Insurgent to finish reading, and maybe I will even do a little shopping.  You may have won this round, Follies, but you have not won the fight yet.  The cycle shall continue!

Cycle 6, Day 19.


  1. Urgh. Let's hope those follies grow!
    I just got insurgent yesterday, but decided to re-read Divergent before I start it. Can't wait!

  2. I'm intrigued that you said Femara could work better than Clomid - since I am a PCOS gal myself, I wonder if I should talk to my RE about it. Do you have any links I could check out?

  3. I hear you. I've read over and over again the Femara is better for PCOS. My RE even said it is better for PCOS. Also, because we all have a friend of a friend story, my friend has PCOS, is anovulatory, and Clomid-resistant. All Clomid did for her was give her nasty cysts that needed to be treated with birth control. She ovulated on CD 19 with femara. It was the first time in 13 months. I'm glad that you are switching to something that may be more reliable for you.

  4. Grow, follies, grow!! I, too have heard that Femara is better for PCOS, but I will be starting off with the Clomid in a month or so. Rooting for those ovaries to pop an egg out for you!

  5. We could totally be twins! We are also trying to do an IUI and having issues with follicles not growing! Your statement about femara is interesting, I'll have to chat with my RE!

  6. Thanks all for all the comments. I haven't had time to do any real research on Femara v. Clomid for PCOS so everything I've heard has been from message boards and word of mouth.

  7. Why don't these things just want to grow already! CD 21 for me on Clomid and hoping Friday one finally grew enough to trigger. Uggh! Hoping the Femera will do the trick for you!

  8. Honestly, why do they even bother with Clomid for PCOS gals? It seems like such a waste of time. I hope the Femara works better for you. I've heard that the side effects aren't nearly so bad as with Clomid.

  9. Stopping in from ICLW #80. Grr that's so frustrating! I'm sorry to hear that :-( I've been doing Femara for several cycles, and it works really well! I don't have PCOS, but it definitely gives me some nice mature eggies. Good luck to you!!
