Monday, April 9, 2012

So That's What Positive Looks Like

I knew my blood work indicated I was surging as of this morning so I didn't need to use an opk but since I've used at least 70 of these stupid tests and have never seen a clear positive I couldn't resist. Eureka! A test line that is darker than the control line! Not just a line that's maybe sorta the same darkness but a slightly different color. It looks like I finally may ovulate...just in time for tomorrow's IUI.

And, since it was a day of firsts I figured I may as well take a gander at my very first positive pregnancy test...albeit a fake one. Due to the hcg trigger I took this morning, any pregnancy test I take for the next ten days should come back positive...even before I actually get pregnant. It was so cool pretending it was the real deal.

Some women apparently "test out their trigger" which means they take a pregnancy test every day after the trigger so they can tell when it's out of their system. I probably won't do that. Maybe I'll test again in 9 days because it's supposed to be gone by day 10. And then I want to start testing for the BFP 10 days after the IUI so that would be 11 days after the trigger shot.

So, Friday, April 20th it is. I already have fun out of town plans for that night. Here's hoping I have something to celebrate.


  1. wooo!!!! congrats on that second line! i tagged you in a post...please play along because I'd like to know more about you! :-)

  2. It's awesome, right. If you did an ovidrel trigger, I would suggest testing for it around day 7. Mine is usually out by then. I'm wishing I had now cause I'm 10DPO and I got a BFP this morning. I'm freaking out! Good luck!

    1. Oh wow, tentative congrats to you! I hope it's the real thing!
